2day... i as usual go to college... wake up early and ready... then i to bank and withdraw cash... then go had my break1st... so relax... after i done that... i drive to school... pass toll... RM3.20...
then reach INTI area which is SS15... OMG... what happen?! whole area BlackOut!!! Public Bank not Public Bank anymore... lolx... INTI got light but no air-con... How i gonna stay wif this condition le... Go home only la... =.=...
Then i just part a while... then i need pay parking fee... then bac to puchong and pay toll again...
What de... lolx... just speechless... haihz...
When evening... I go to my grandmo house and had my dinner there...
On the way i saw a beautiful view of Sunset...
Lolx... Driving While taking photo... Another dangerous person here...Vin...^^
Trust me la... i'm a good driver... ^^
I reach my grandma house... After i finish my dinner... i didnt rush bac... so i stay there and chit chat wif my grandma... then i got 2 little cousin playing around... lolx... so cute then ma take photo lo... Vin is a blogger now ma... ^^
This is my youngest cousin... Chong Xiang... lolx... but i more cute at this age la...^^
This is Chong Zhang... My uncle geh "Kam Po Lo"... lolx... Why?! bcoz all 3 is girls only he is boy...
He very funny 1... and LanCi also... hehe... if he dono you... wont play wif you... but if he do know you... He will show you many cute cute action 1... lolx...
Aiyo... Chong Zhang bad boy lo... Pee infrant of me?! =.=
Chong Zhang: Don Capture my Face... T_T
Hehe... end here...
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