2day is a very very unique day... why i say so?
bcoz 2day no matter Lunar or Gregorian calendar also in a same day... Wow...
and some more... i got 2 Friends having birth together... Amazing...^^
1st 1 is my college friend...
We celebrate it at Sunway Pyramid Asian Avenue Gasoline...
Cake supply by Secret Recipe... We( i mean Vin and my college friend) aready long time didnt see each other jor... so starting also feel weird geh... but Vin is a friendly person... Finally we chit chat around 1 hour while waiting to go to class...^^ But b4 that... we go hav some fun...^^ We play Datona(dono izzit spell like that?^^) lolx... Final Result is... Vin get the 1st Rank... And then the most funny part is... our birthday girl get the last rank!!! Haha... why so funny geh? bcoz she pick a wrong machine... That machine hav some technical problem geh... sob... sry la... Natalie... haha...
Next... the 2nd 1 I really need to say SORRY to her... Bcoz i TOTALLY forget that 2day is her birthday also... OMG... sry sry sry sry sry sry sry...^^ Forgiv me la...^^ you sure will rmb my birthday geh.. hor... hehe...
Who is she? Caren Lai... My secondary schoolmate... also my best friend la( consider la...) haha...
Wow... SomeBody call 911... Caren Fire Burning On the Birth Cake... Woo oh oh~~
Bcoz i dono 2day is her birthday... so i didnt call many ppl also... i tot just come out for a drink...
As a organize geh Vin... this time totally "Shui" jor... haihz... T_T...
So bcoz wanna make a compensation for her... I bring her go to Snow Flake... hehe... happy ma...? You giving me your 1st time been to there wo... not bad le... haha...
Bcoz I have been promote the shop b4... so this time i wont display any photo of food...
So just Human...^^
1st to go... is Finger pointing on the Plate God...@@
Its give us 60sen wo...?! lolx...
Real Human la...
Vin and Caren
Max and Mun
Mun... Your shirt what happen o?! o.O?! hehe...
Lai Kuan wo...^^
Two White Chick...^^ haha... don angry o... Wow... @@
Wa... Snow Flake quite popular now... every nite also many ppl... need to queue some more... We sit and there chit chat... very happy, chat till didnt see those ppl who waiting for table... lolx... paisei nya... then we don wan to stay there any more jor... change place la...
Next station~~ Caren House~~ Next station~~ Caren House~~
I long time didnt go there lo... and then Caren told me tat Aunty miss me le...^^
We drink some champagne and then continue our topic which not yet finish at snow flake...
Really?! forget jor tim... start a new topic la...^^
Chatting While take photo...
Mun and Vin...
Vin Forcing Caren's Sis take photo...^^
Almost make her cry de la... lolx...
All come
Zhen wo... The little guy behind Mun...
Final Photo... This 1 I like it...
I was staring on something... and then the stupid Caren look at the camera...
It was so... So stupid... dats why i like it... haha...
So tired for that day... Bcoz whole day outside... didnt bac home once... T_T... tired...
But happy la... Meet two old friend at 1 day... improve our relationship... not bad also o...
say who stupid ar.. wan die ar.. lolz.. cheh..