What stand for M.I.F.B?! Omg... never know this before...
Malaysia International Food and Beverage 09... Ooo...
Now on... Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC)...
9-11 July 2009...
Wait... what happen? why Vin wanna talk about this? Many question mark rite? ^^
Bcoz Vin is working at there right now... This time i work as a Rocket Man( Which is what my supervisor call)... but... i totally unlike Rocket Man...

Some people say i like Ghost Buster... =.=... Some more say me is Pest Control?! Oh gosh... ^^
All in 1 ok... lolx...
talk about others 1st... o.O?! what the?! international Food and Beverage... why got Carrefour 1?
supermarket category?! lolx...
When breaktime... i go walk around... ^^ Vin as a good blogger sure will take down some photo 1... hehe... 1st i wan to intro this... very nice... can say is the most attactive 1...

What is this? this is a shop that supply ingredients for bakery or cake shop..
Wa... just nice... show you some cake display... why display only? lolx... For my lovely blogger's fans is display... bcoz i ate d...^^

There hav many cake simple that we can try... very nice and fragrant o... ^^
Everyone know Dragon Fruit right?

This is Dragon Fruit la... nth special..
Then how about Dragon Fruit Juice?! nothing special also wo... ^^

The Special thing is... Dragon Fruit Cake...!!! o.O?!

Nice or not? lolx... ^^
Got other cute cute cake some more... Hav a look...^^
Eat cake ma eat cake lo... Maggi mee also come out?!
Use cake to make tea?! lolx... nice nice...^^

Wa... this two very cute o...^^ if i buy home i also wont eat la... aiyo...

nice le?! lolx...
CJ7 wo... ^^

Then... na... Filet-O-Fish very small right? then Big Mac le? not enough big also right? Then how about this?!

Wow... Speechless d? ^^
Ok la... enough for this shop d... hehe...
Let's bring you to the next...
Omg... Hold on... What?! Station 1?!!!

International Food and Beverage wo... ??? We must go station test everything probably... hehe...
Another shop i wan to intro geh... Pappa Rich... this not bad... but abit expensive...

Puteri there got 1 Corner shop nearby Giant there... go try la...^^
o.O?! suddenly i saw some one... you guess who is it?
Mrs Koh o...

You know her? I know... but i didnt take photo wif her...^^ bcoz not my cup of tea also... @@...
Next... very famous 1... Sime Darby Food market...
Nice Layout... A Old Street...

Got shop got traffic light..

An old school motorcycle at Jalan Jonker wo...^^

and Bus Stop some more... most funny is... really got people waiting bus wo... =.=
They really tot that got bus pass through?! OMG... haha...

Last but not least... If you are Chocolate belover... show you some photo about it...

Wa... Nice le...^^

You can design Your Lovely Chocolate as well...

Malaysia International Food and Beverage nice or not?!
Erm... i would say... nice... can try can eat can know more... not bad...
most interest is... Got beauty show girl ma... lolx...^^ 2day i saw 1 beauty girl... but older than me... who care...^^ then when she staring at me... OMG... Vin's Heart was totally stop pumping d... Vin died... lolx... She is Mix... Vin not dare to ask her for a photo... Vin worry that she scare Vin... the most reason is... Vin scare being rejected... T_T... haha...
End here la... so... if you interest... come hav a look...
11 July 2009, Sat is last day...
If come... come look for me la... I giv you a drink...^^ Find me at hall 2... Carrefour...
Tired d... Night...^^