It is all about Vin here... if u do not like Vin... T_T... nvm... You also can leave some comment... i would like to accept any comment... ^^
First of all... Vin was born at 3Feb 1990... Vin come to this world lo...^^ in coincidence... that day is also chinese new year which is 8th of CNY... bcoz of that... every year birthday... my ang pao will double up.. lolx...
Look at my parents... hehe... so young that time... now also la...^^
OMG... who is the cutie? lolx... Sure is Vin la... ^^
I was Bodak that time... T_T
Climbing Time...
Walking Time...
After That... Vin start naughty la... ^^
Play at bed there...
Then Vin start bully people... hehe... Freeze... don move...
He was my cousin brother... Johnathan...^^
Vin let people bully bac... T_T
Vin also become C.E.O b4 le... ngek ngek....
This is my Name Card... if you wan... ops... sry... limited edition...^^
lolx... after that Vin in Tadika... When i was 4... then i aready got performance talent jor... haha^^
Guess where is Vin? Bingo... The middle 1...
I also become a Drummer b4 o... ^^
See... my Performance nice till headmistress also wan to give me a gift...^^
cannot la... Vin.. hehe...
When I was 11 years old... My aunt treat me go to London... that time was my memorable travel... I stay there 3 weeks and enjoy my Happy Vacation...^^
Omg... Don Shoot me out pls... T_T
My Brother Benny and Vin...
Look at Vin... the hair style... =.=... so cute le...^^ handsome little boy... haha...
Ah... Don bite me... T_T... scare scare...
The tallest 1 is my cousin brother... His name is Andy Boy...
He passed away when i was 13 years old... T_T... that was my first time crying for family...
We two very friend 1... Miss him tim... ^^
Wa... look at the Pet Pet hair's Vin... cannot la... T_T... lolx...
Some London Friends...
London's Wax Museum
Oh No!!... Falling...
Aiya... Wrong Hand tim... >.<
London end...
Come bac from london after 3 month... i get Chickenpox... T_T... that time i was very ugly...
so i didnt take any photo... ^^
That time when i was sick... some of my best fren come visit me o... thx them...^^
They are Kit Yi... Xiao Wen... Summer... Pei Ye... and Kent...
the little is my youngest bro... William...
Come visit me but play at my bed... =.=...
This is my "ai ya" sister... Kit Yi... ^^
Not bad le... Chinese got say... Girl will change when 18...^^
12 years old... Graduation day...
Thay day we plan to have an opera at primary school...
I was acting a Police man o... Ying le? ^^
That day very happy o...
Take Photo time... ^^
All my primary teacher...
This is my Science Teacher
She Praise me Good in Science le...^^ cannot la... lolx...
This is my English Teacher
My Math Teacher... is also My Sport Teacher o...
I was so sport that time... every sport i also got join...^^
o.O?! who is she?
Hehe... that time i was steal shooting 1...^^
She is my 1st love... wa... sound like so sweet le...
I confess it is a sweet memory...^^
Aiya... What pose le? @@
Ok... like this la...^^
I look so thin that time...^^ Girl's growth rate faster than Boy ma... aiyo...
Lolx... Sry la... Put you on my blog...^^
After Graduate...
We less see each other... less talk wif each other... everything become less and less then end up wif break up lo... T_T...
Share something here 1st... that was my sweet memory...
Last time when i chasing her... lolx... shy shy jor... well.. keep say 1st... ngek ngek...
I was using Letter Raiders... we write letter to each other every day... she write to me 2day... then i go home read and reply to her tmr... ^^ yau feel dou ar... hehe...
First love story stop here la...^^
Then... there are all my female classmate...
Look at Vin... so popular o...^^ cannot la vin... wahahaha...
Wow... Formal Photo... =.=
I was standing behind my teacher^^... can find me mou?!
This is all the Trophy that i get when primary school...^^
All is about Math... sport... Sing.. ^^
ngek ngek... just display some only o... got more and more geh...^^
My secondary school... erm... nothing much i can say... bcoz i don hav any photo about it...
Only got this 1... Which is taken at Langkawi...

Dat time we all so young o... hehe...
ok... Vin become adult lo...
Next... we talk about the wearing of Vin... hehe
Football Clothes...
A white T-Shirt wif a sport jacket...
Wif a special long pants...^^
o.O?! my pants drop d?! hehe... style lei geh...^^
This look really hot... is hot~~!!!... =.=... but dono why i still wanna wear it... ^^
Jeans + T-Shirt... look like abit mature...
Some of my Girl's friend say me old tim... T_T... haihz...
Summer Casual look...
Polo Shirt wif a Short pants...
Which years geh Vin you like le? if all also don like... T_T... i also become speechless jor...
Ok... Story end here... Tmr will be a better day...^^
i like the vin in 1990
ReplyDeleteso cute,dude!!
ReplyDeleteevery year geh vin also look alike....not much different...but i prefer the vin in reality~~~ bcuz vin in photo look so "hau"....wakakakaka....muackz...dun angry ya...ngek ngek
ReplyDeleteLike ma ok lo.. ngek ngek... =.=... ok... next time no more take photo wif u d... T_T...
ReplyDeletei like the vin from birth until now...
ReplyDeleteand damn it!
u have my damn ugly foto!!
i dun have it at all!
u and yanyi sweet memory is my sad memory..
i love you alot weiiiiiiiiiiiii
Hehe... at least you has changed^^
ReplyDeleteThx... lolx... suddenly let u say till i speechless jor^^
I like all the Years That Vin has came into this world! .. this has made get ta know a lil bit more.. hehe!.. hope you hav more fun enjoyable years that is yet to come for Vin ta expereience^^ looking forward chu bee seeing its!..
ReplyDeletealah....i know Vin din have that small gas geh....u know i'm kidding there right??? keke....k la...sayang back...xixi
ReplyDeleteFoong Yee... ok la... sayang bac but i need punish you... punish you take many photo wif me la... haha
ReplyDeletePrincessLisa... thx alot... I'll do it better^^ hope that we can meet up one day^^
ReplyDeletezhadou.. stupid history..
u really got so damn ugly faces in da photo man..
stil hapi u share it out..
sure the gul who lik u see this..
she'll un u more..
berlagak sana..
=.=... caren lai... what comment is that... aiyo...^^
ReplyDeletethe 3teacher all nt at Xin Ming jor lu~
ReplyDeletesome one go other scl teach~
some one go other scl b headmaster jor~
nw that scl de teacher all change jor~
all new teacher~
last time we study that time de some change scl le~
some retire le~
o.O?! Maktau Vickey? You same primary school wif me b4? I dono at all wo^^... yea i know... but Ling teacher still there rite...^^ Wow... if like dat... then you sure know about my "wai shui xi" at there lo?? lol... haha