2day I wake up early in the morning...
I got 16 tickets of Miss Astro...
But too bad is... Only 5 person is going... others fren no 1 buy me... =.=
Ji Zhen Marcus Wilson Nicholas...
Sometimes go to Genting also not bad...
breath some fresh air... let some wind blow...
this photo actually is wanna take it and look like higher 1...
but dono why... come out... wilson look more thin... haha
This photo very funny... Wilson's turtle head come out... lolx... haha...
This two person so colour...
Then We play some mini game which cheat ppl 1... lolx...
Like this Snooker...
But Marcus still wan play... haihz... ^^
At the end... only get 30 point... lolx...
Skeleton King...
Climb so high... lolx... dono how to get down...^^
Need leader mou?! ^^
Vin what you doing o?!
King of the World?!
Spider Man?!
All the people also looking at me... Climb so high... Crazy geh?!
After all this...
6.00pm d... so like last time i early go queue lo...
I tot i'm the clever 1... OMG... when i reach there...
Aready many ppl also clever then me jor...
But very funny de is... Wow... Got a big support team of 8.Katrina...
And then those supporter all also crazy jor...^^
So... at the end... I also become one of them...^^
Katrina... Gambate...^^
Take some photo while waiting for the show...
Look at the stage...
So nice... so sea^^
Open show la...
Starting... 10 beauty come out...
So beautiful...
Our Host...
Double Lim...

Bikini part...^^


This Cool man... 3.Joycelyn

Such a Good Bar Tender...^^
Finally the last part... Waiting for the result...

2nd Runner-up is 9.Jane
1st Runner-up is 8.Katrina
And Miss Astro 2009 is...

This time come to Genting... I do very Happy...
We walk jor whole day... 1 leng lui also didnt saw... lolx...
but when we queue ing for the show... I saw 1...
Not bad o... Beautiful nya... Look so sweet and good girl^^
then when i saw her i tot she are the sister of 8.Katrina...
bcoz she was inside the support team...
Dono is what la... Mayb is serendipity la... I tot follow the support team can sit together wif her 1... but suddenly their team leader say follow another way to go in... then we lost each other jor...
Too bad... T_T...
When the show almost start... suddenly... wow... I saw her again... ^^
So surprize me... I tot cant even meet her again... but this time... Wow...
Dono what happen... She change her place and walk till infrant of me... and let their team member set her sit BESIDE me le...^^ Wa... So happy...
But i cannot show that I FEEL VERY HAPPY... bcoz very embrassing de ma... haha...
lolx... so happy jor... is that serendipity?! lolx... hopefully la...
but hor... Dono what happen to Vin le... Normally Vin wanna talk wif others girl is so easy so FreeStyle 1... but this time... I feel nervous and shy le... hehe... long time don hav this kind of feeling jor... Mayb i do hav a feel to her?!
Yea... I accidently capture a photo which she also inside the photo... lolx...
at the middle of the show... I finally talk wif her jor... but just a question...
"Is dat Katrina is your sis?"... She answer me is cousin... dats it...
Until end of the show... I ask her for number... Wa... so Nervous o...
When i ask her... she stunning at there... i also dono what to do... so we both also stun lo...
But finally she also giv me number la... Phew... Fortunately... hehe...
After that... We start sms...
But the next day... she didnt reply me jor...
She say that day she didnt clearly see my face... mayb she scare Vin is a Bad guy gua... lolx...
Nvm... hope that she can come view view my blog la...^^
I'm waiting... T_T...
The end of Miss Astro...^^
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