This time very good... bcoz i was request a group of ppl working together...
and my supervisor also agree on it...
1st week we nth much to say... but still very happy and enjoy working...
2nd week has come... Wow... not bad... 1st day was friday and also labour day...
2day many customer and also many promoter o... just our company already got 10 promoter le...
Work until 2.00++ then suddenly my whole family come visit me!! Wow... Mommy Baba Popo Dai yee and my little bro William... all come over and ask sample from me... =.= lolx...
after that until break time... 2day a little special... bcoz got 1 leng lui promoter... so usually we just eat ourself but this time go wif the leng lui promoter^^ (Small introduction here... the girl call Crystal) then we get know each other la... and then can consider become fren d... (rite? Crystal^^)
erm... after that nth special lo... Ops!!! left out 1 thing... is forget an apologize to my colleague(Jason Pang) dat day bcoz we wan to break together and eat wif Crystal... so i decide to let jason break alone... Sry^^ don angry o... SORRY!!!
Last day work le... 2day erm.. nth much special also... but finally we all get take photo... but those photo is taken by a aunty... so it was blur... T_T... nvm... next time i will take more and show u all... ok!!! promise...^^

Inside got 6 person lo... ^^ Booshit~~
start wif left to right la...
Yau Rachel Tze Crystal Vin and Jason Pang
Jason also a fans of Khalil Fong o... Sing along Song but not too long...
Jason... find 1 day we go sing a long k la...^^
oh yeah singalonglongksong~ :)