Finally i can touch my computer d... T_T...
Starting from Saturday until now... I was too busy jor...
Full appointment... lolx... got work got play got clubbing some more... tired man...
At last... I early 4o'clock in the morning only sleep... and then Sunday was my big day some more...
I set my alarm at 9.30am... but i overslept until 11.30am... lolx... so pig...
So I'm aready late d... so faster dress up... and then take some perfume^^ haha...
then straight go to E3 my fren Chun Keat there to make over my hair without having my break1st... Hungry nya... who call me overslept... aiyo... =.=
But lucky is my fren la... while in the processing... he help me to buy some food and drink la... Thx...
Vin make over's processing photo...

Really running out off time jor... 1 hour left... bcoz i must reach Kepong b4 3.00pm... and now is aready 2.10pm d... Chun Keat... faster la... (Doing last part "Treatment")
Finally... DONE!!!
The new of Vin...
Have a look... giv me comment to me la...^^

In the 3 photo cant definitely show my color of my hair... T_T...
too bad... But how was is?! any comment...?? My pleasure to hav ur comment...^^
After finish my hair's make over... let's go... Kepong!!! I coming...^^
Why i go to Kepong o?! Go Kepong from Puchong?!
Vin... you do hav a problem izzit?!
Nope... is worth 1...^^ Bcoz I have date a girl d...
You guys still rmb Miss Astro's post?! I ma got capture a girl photo 1 rite?...
Bingo... yea la... I Date her d...^^
Xiao Jun... 16 years old... Wa... Sound like an adult cheating a kids...
Come on... don say like dat... is just a big koko having a nice date wif xiu mui mui only... haha
Vin you cannot la...^^
Finally i reach Kepong Jesco d... o.O?! why so late geh... 3.10pm d...
Xiao Jun still haven't reach le... I wanna pee!!! T_T... but no parking... I was just park at the side of road... Help~~... Suddenly... Yeah... She reach d...
(Open door) "Halo Xiao Jun... This way..." What the hell i saying o... aiyo... This way?! ordering or what... =.=... sorry^^
After that I drive to 1U GSC... Bcoz we going to watch a movie (Poker King)...
But before that... "Can i go to toilet 1st?!" lolx...
Still have time... so I and her walk around 1st... and chit chat... Haha...
She was so shy... So scare me... haha... when she feel shy... her face was so funny... so "dono what happen" hehe...
Last 10 mins b4 the movie show times... We was waiting outside the Cinema...
At this time... ^^ Vin will never miss jor take photo times de... hehe...

Can see my color here?!
This 1 I look so old... =.=... like 30 years old... T_T...

Any comment?!
Movie time lo...
Poker King...

Recommended... Comedy + Poker Skill + Love...
Not bad o... I like it... And some more important is... watch this with girl... those girl also can watch with boy... the feeling will be different... trust me...^^
Stephy got beatifull again...

Lau Cheng Wen... Funny...


This part funny...

Can watch watch this movie o...^^
After Movie... Sure go for a dinner 1 ma... hehe...
But this time i hav no new idea for my dinner... bcoz no enough time... xiu mui mui need to go home early 1...
So at the end... I also choose jor Full House for my dinner... hehe... old for me but new for Xiao Jun... then ok aready... everything also talk about feel de ma... hahaha...
I Steal steal take photo with her...^^

She also smile la...^^ Jia Jia at there... she also wan take geh... so I'm not steal steal jor lo... haha
Ok la... Xiao Jun... let you take bac me la...^^

Dinner ing... ... Talk ... Smile ... Vin Lame Joke ... Play ... Shy Shy ... Funny ... haha... many happy memory la...^^
After dinner... Don bill 1st... walk walk ma...

Stupid Vin pose again...

Before leaving Full House... waitress help us take a photo 1st...

Kam-Za-Ha-Mi-Da~~ ^^
After that... I drive to Kepong for sending her home... I drive as slow as possible... haha...
Hope that we can hav more time to chit chat...
On the way... ... ... Secret ... ... Secret... ... Secret ... ... haha... Just Secret...^^
The end of Vin Vin's Big Day...^^ hope that you understand what i writing... lolx...
Vin's language...^^ Good Nite...