Friday, April 3, 2009

Dry Ice

Location: Ajisen ( which are under the cinema at pyramid )
Hypothesis: The bigger size of DRY ICE that you put into hot water... The higher volume of the smoke will come out...
Experiment 1: A 20 sen size of dry ice put into hot water...
Experiment 2: A 50 sen size of dry ice put into hot water...
Conclusion: The noodle which inside the hot water is still available for eat... ^^

Experiment 1...

Experiment 2....

This is not the conclusion... this is the human who did the Experiment... Such a human being^^


  1. wei aaaaa !!!!! no other picture liao mer....this pic i look sucks !!

  2. Still comment alot o... aiyo... ^^

  3. Hey Kelvin , your friend - Foong Yee looks like a japanese actress ( MAKIYO ). She very pretty :) From : theng..
